A Heart Practice to Stay Centered in Chaotic Times

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Just when you thought things couldn’t get any more intense, they do! This may be the refrain for these next couple months. In the meantime, we have had a very bumpy ride – and all indications are that it’s not going to get any less bumpy any time soon. So how do you stay centered in chaotic times? How do you pull yourself out of reaction?

Today I am offering a very simple, one minute process that will help you do that in any situation. 

First, though, let’s take a step back and look at the larger picture. When you can view all of this in a larger context it will also help you avoid reactivity in what is going to continue to be a very reactive time. 

Looking at the Larger Picture

Once again in this challenging year astrologically, the movements of the planets help to provide context and understanding for the turmoil we’re seeing and will continue to see.  

Let me start with the long-term good news! This turmoil will end. Although we’re in the midst of the breakdown and collapse of old structures, that is not the last word. 

Meanwhile, however, the planetary energies are mirroring what is happening now and vice versa (remember, “as above, so below”). Let’s look to them to gain some insights about what is happening both now and for the next few months. When you can see the larger picture, it can help keep you from despairing or reacting in the midst of it. 

Uranus-Saturn Redux

As I wrote at the beginning of this year, the astrological theme for 2021 is control vs. freedom (You can read more about it here; it will provide some great context for what we’re all experiencing!). We have already seen that play out in so many ways! The final Uranus-Saturn direct face-off (square), which epitomizes this struggle, is coming on December 24. 

What that means is that we are continuing to see the breakdown of old structures, the building of new systems, and massive societal and political change. You can see it everywhere you look!  And of course, the powers that be (governments, etc.) are trying to hold on to the old structures with an iron fist.

Venus and Pluto Too!

Added to that, Venus and Pluto will be in a dance with each other (a conjunction in astrological terms)  in Capricorn from December 11 through March 3. They will meet up (an exact conjunction) three times: December 11, December 25, and March 3.  This particular dance will be much longer than usual (they are usually only conjunct for a day). 

The reason: Venus is going Retrograde (which means it will appear to be going backwards in the sky). When that happens, it amplifies the energies of that planet and its interactions.  

What does this mean? We’re going through a process. The unraveling is continuing. The astrologers I follow all say this particular connection will probably mean economic turbulence. Pam Gregory sees it as the process of a new economic system being born, with the rebirth in early March.  

Disruption, Eruption, Awakening

In these next few months the disruptive, strong, combative energies of Eris and Uranus, continue to come up against the old power structures which are trying to impose limitations to keep the old top-down structures in place (Pluto and Saturn). This Eris and Uranus energy is the kind of energy that has historically led to protests and great societal change.  

The very strong presence of both Uranus and Eris mean that while disruption and eruption will continue, that’s not the end. Both of these very strong energies are in the ultimate service of freedom and awakening.  

Yes, this turbulence is strong – and may get even stronger in the next few months, but being aware of the larger picture can remind us that what we’re seeing – no matter how turbulent – is not the end. It is not where we’re going to end up. 

Remember that Eris, in particular, has been named the patron of chaotic creation. And chaos theory reminds us that the biggest creativity happens in the middle of what appears to be chaos.  

Take Heart!

The larger shift that we’re a part of is a shift out of duality and polarity and into a new unity consciousness. This shift will bring us out of a largely competitive way of operating in the world, to a more collaborative, mutually supportive way of being. It’s important to be aware of the larger picture – the larger shift in consciousness that all of this bumpiness is leading toward.

But we aren’t there yet. So, how do you hold on to the larger vision when there is so much negativity, fear-mongering, hatred, and divisiveness right now?

Rather than being swayed by the news, focusing on all the bumpiness, or giving in to fear, it’s important to turn inward and double- and triple-down on our spiritual practices.

Given all the reactionary and combative energy out there right now, focusing on your heart and developing your heart energy of centeredness, awareness, and most of all love, is truly necessary. It’s necessary for you. It’s necessary to be able to navigate this very bumpy time. It’s necessary for our communities, and for our planet as a whole.

A Practice for Your Heart

So today, inspired by Pam Gregory, I offer you a practice that comes out of the Heart Math Institute. If you don’t know this institute, I encourage you to check it out. For decades they have been doing scientific studies of the heart and what happens when you tune into the heart.

Did you know that the heart’s energy field is 60 times more powerful than the energy field of the head brain? That’s pretty amazing! More than that, the Heart Math Institute’s studies have shown that when the heart is in coherence, it also helps all the other systems of the body come into coherence. 

When you are angry or upset or feel disconnected or anxious, then your heart goes out of coherence. Among other consequences, that can weaken your immune system.  However, if you can focus on bringing your heart into coherence then that actually builds up your immune system, which in turn helps you deal with any assaults on it, such as viruses, including the virus of fear.

That is what this practice is designed to do. Wow!  

Bringing your heart into coherence will also pull you out of fear and any kind of reactivity. Best yet, when you do it for yourself, it has an effect on all those around you too! Empaths, this technique is especially important for you in these next few months, due to everything I wrote about above. 

The Practice Itself

Step 1: Focus on your heart area in the center of your chest. Imagine that you’re breathing through your heart as if your heart is a lung. Let your breathing slow and deepen.

Step 2: Focus on something you have gratitude, appreciation or love for. It can be anything in your life: a person, an event, even hot water, or the sun shining. 

That’s it! When you have done this, your heart will come into coherence, and your heart will send that coherence to every cell of your body. Best yet, this practice takes only a minute. You can do it anywhere and at any time. And it will always bring your heart into coherence. Here is a link to a visual and audio version of this practice on the Heart Math Institute website.

A Practice for the World Too

Finally, their studies show that when we do this together — that is, bring multiple hearts into coherence at the same time — it actually has an impact on the field around us. One more practice that will not only help you but will help bring the world into coherence, can be found here. It is a very simple process that takes two minutes.  

Can you spare two minutes to help the world step out of negativity, reactiveness, combativeness and fear? As the Heart Math Institute says, “This helps open the heart more and increases your effectiveness when you start sending care to the entire planet or a specific situation or area of need.” Here is the link.

Please take and use these practices – daily – or even more often – over the next few months. Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” These practices give us the chance to do just that in very challenging times. 

PS: Many of you have been asking for more attunement and healing sessions to help navigate these very strong energies. The next one, coming up on December 19, will be particularly helpful as I will attune you to the Uranus-Saturn face-off (direct square) coming up at the holidays. We will also celebrate the Solstice, which will bring in some very strong positive energy to help us. Here is the link for more information.

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