Navigating the Current Revolutionary Energy
Whatever is “up” for you right now, you will probably be feeling intensely. The energy is revolutionary energy. A primary theme right now centers around finances and financial volatility. Here is the background, as well as some practical suggestions on how to stay centered and navigate these potent energies.
Did you feel the very strong eclipse energy yesterday and today? The energy around this eclipse, and for the next couple months as well, is revolutionary energy.
Uranus, which is all about revolution, freedom, and awakening, is very active in this eclipse. Uranus’ archetypal energy will also have a very strong influence on the very rare second total lunar eclipse of this year which is coming up on November 8. We will be feeling the effects of these eclipses for the next six months.
You may be experiencing an intense desire for freedom. We may see lots of volatility and even shaking in the financial markets.
Several things contribute to the theme of finances in this eclipse season. Knowing this will help you hold on to the larger picture if things get even more intense or volatile financially.
First is Uranus’ place in relation to the sun and moon and where it sits in Taurus right now. Taurus has to do with wealth, currencies, and financial markets, among other things. Uranus’ revolutionary and eruptive energies come into play here.
In addition, this eclipse is occurring on what one astrologer I follow calls the financial axis. Not only is Uranus in Taurus (the north node), but the moon is in Scorpio, which is the south node right now.
Scorpio’s relationship with money and wealth magnifies the financial aspects of this eclipse. Scorpio works with big money, secret money, investments, loans, pensions and the like, says astrologer Pam Gregory. The south node represents our collective past and what needs to be released. For more information on the north and south nodes and their huge influence on everything happening this year, see this blog post.
Helping you Release
This eclipse in Scorpio is helping you release anything that is not for your highest good, especially any toxicity.
Pluto’s energy adds to this. We are continuing to experience the crumbling of the old that is a central part of Pluto’s journey through Capricorn. This crumbling or unraveling is intensifying as Pluto gets closer and closer to leaving Capricorn. Its energy is also adding to the financial theme by accelerating the ongoing unraveling of old systems and ways of being which are not sustainable and do not serve the collective. Remember, though, that Pluto’s energy is always about transformation. The crumbling is making way for the new.
All of this is part of the crescendo of intensity astrologers have been talking about. The crescendo reaches its height this month and next.
What does this mean for you? The new moon and solar eclipse invite you to let go of what’s no longer serving you. They call on you to dream into what you would like to see happen next for yourself and for our world. They ask you to allow yourself to be in the unraveling, and to let go.
New moons, and solar eclipses in particular, are also new beginnings. As such, they invite you to set your intention for the good that you want to have in your life, and for the good that you want for the world.
How to Navigate This Intensity
So what’s the take-away? How do you deal with everything that’s happening in your own life and in the world?
First, if you’re feeling this unraveling, or swirling, it’s natural to feel fear. However, don’t stay there. As much as possible, don’t let fear rule you. Feel it and let it move through you.
It’s also important to remember that whatever it looks like financially or otherwise, the crumbling is not the end. Even as old financial and other systems are unraveling, new systems are already in place and/or being created at the same time.
In the midst of the intensity, it’s important remember that we’re in the middle of a big shift — the biggest shift of our lifetimes. Remember that what is happening is making way for the new. What’s coming is a new unity consciousness. Finally, remember that what’s going on now is actually in service of awakening (yours and the entire planet’s).
There may be lots of obstacles right now and/or in the next few weeks. Come back to your heart. Do the one-minute heart coherence practice that will help every cell in your body to move through this with greater ease.
PS: I have been guided to offer more support for this pivotal time in an already pivotal year. On November 6. I am offering an attunement and healing session in which I will attune you to these energies. I am also attuning you to the upcoming second total lunar eclipse of the year coming up on November 8. The lunar eclipse will be even more powerful than this one.
This attunement session will help you navigate these energies and more. I hope you will join me to receive healing and support and also to send healing and support for the collective. Here is the link for more information and to register. I would love to see you there!