Coping with Uncertainty: A Practice to help you through this!
We are living in very uncertain times.
As I write, here in the US, we are still in the midst of an historic election and still don’t know who our next President will be. As I talk with clients, friends and family, this has been an extremely stressful week. And no matter who wins, that stress may continue for some time.
One of the biggest stressors in our lives the unknown. The truth is that none of us know the future. Whether you live in the US or elsewhere, the stress of the unknown is a universal human experience.
Because it is a universal human experience, we tend to deal with uncertainty in the same key ways.
Ways We Cope
The first thing we do when we don’t know what’s next is experience fear. And when we experience fear, most of us move into control. In fact control has been called the “Mother” of all belief systems. It starts very early in our lives, when we first experience polarity — we learn that certain behaviors are “right” and others are “wrong.” We also learn that we must act a certain way in order to feel loved and/or accepted. One of the ways most people cope with all of this is to control — ourselves and others.
The only thing is — it doesn’t work. While we may have the illusion of control, there are so many aspects of our lives that we clearly don’t and can’t control that this method of coping always falls short.
Two other ways we deal with uncertainty are anger and coping. This is true especially in Western culture, which doesn’t tend to leave room to allow us to face our fears and move through them. Instead, we are most often told to sweep our fears under the rug, put on a brave face, get a stiff upper lip, don’t feel fear or you’ll attract more, or you name the idiom (there are many). If we don’t allow space to feel our fears, face them, and move through them, anger or frustration can come up. When we face uncertainty, it is often easy to get angry or frustrated at the situation — in part because we cannot control it; and in part, because it’s often easier to get mad at someone else or the situation instead of feeling our fear and uncertainty.
Most of us also have a variety of other coping strategies in the face of the unknown. Have you been eating too many cookies or other comfort food, or watching too much TV or playing computer games for hours on end? Most everyone I know the world over has been doing some sort of self-soothing activity to cope with the conscious and unconscious level of stress.
We Are All On High Alert
No matter where you may live in the world, and whether you realize it or not, all of us are under enormous amounts of stress. The global pandemic has upended your life in ways you may not even be aware of, for example. Even if you think you’re dealing well with it, stress is still taking an underlying toll on you. We’re all dealing with a huge amount of uncertainty, and that uncertainty puts our nervous systems on high alert.
More than that, if you’ve been following my blog posts on the astrology of this year, you will know that intensity and uncertainty have been strong themes — and will continue to be so. We are coming up on a big shift in December, which will help us move out of the chrysalis we’ve been in.
But until then, the astrological events are continuing to come fast and furiously. One of the evolutionary astrologers I follow, Pam Gregory, says that she has never seen such a concentrated and intense time of change in more than 40 years of doing astrological work. She likens the astrological events of November and early December to being in the midst of giving birth — and specifically being in the narrowest part of the birth canal. You might get stuck, but there is no going back. No matter what, the birth will happen.
For the last couple of months, I have shared some helpful practices to move through these uncertain and stressful times.
A Healing Practice For You
To support you in this time, I would like to share the most powerful healing procedure I know. It’s easy to learn, and you can use it as often as you need. It only takes a couple minutes to do, and its benefits are huge.
This healing practice is a brain balancing procedure which will help calm your nervous system, help your right and left brains work together to bring healing wherever you most need it, and help you move out of stress, anxiety, and/or fear.
These are stressful and uncertain times. I challenge you to do this healing procedure every day for the next 30 days. If you’re like me and hundreds of my students, you will notice a big difference in your stress and anxiety levels, and you will also notice many other positive changes in your physical, emotional and spiritual sense of wellbeing. And please share your experiences with me. I will share them in my next couple newsletters.
By the way, you don’t have to limit doing this procedure to once a day. If you’re having a stressful day, do it as often as you feel stressed.
With love and gratitude,
Thank you so much for the video Mary. Even though I’ve done this before, I was missing important details and after doing it with you on the video I felt a remarkable sense of wellbeing and balance.
You explain it so beautifully and clearly.
Thank you so much, Juliet. I love how you are feeling that sense of wellbeing and balance. May it continue and deepen!