Which waves are you riding?
Last week I was in an auto accident that totalled my car. I could have focused on all the negatives, such as having to get a new car. Instead, for some reason, I felt joy and gratitude. Even in the midst of the fear and waiting for the tow truck in the pouring rain, etc., my entire focus was on the blessings — and there were many.
I wasn’t seriously hurt, and all my healing tools — BodyTalk, SourcePoint therapy, essential oils, my natural anti-inflammatories, and the Healy (can’t say enough about how much this has been helping) — all came together to help me move through whiplash and low back stress amazingly quickly. I’m not done healing, but I am truly ok.
I also get to get a new car which has all kinds of safety features my 2004 vintage didn’t have.
There are more blessings: I was given a (free!) loaner for a week (!!). Then, when I was cleaning out my car so it could be taken to salvage, a Johnson’s Ice Cream truck drove up so the man driving it could get rid of his trash for the day. Now Johnson’s Ice Cream is a local family-owned company that makes amazing ice cream. Well, this young man helped me get a door open that my key wouldn’t work in (not related to the accident).
When he found out I love Johnson’s ice cream, asked me if he could give me some, and asked me what flavor I would like (chocolate, of course!). He then went into his truck and brought me some. So I had ice cream while cleaning out the old car! I found myself in tears of gratitude then, and more than once or twice in the following week. Even now as I look back on all that transpired, I have tears in my eyes.
Without Even Trying
What’s so amazing to me was that this was just effortless. I didn’t try to think positively or “look for the silver lining,” – it was right there. Grace! I have continued to experience grace upon grace.
My teacher said to me: “You know you could have told this story many ways. The way you’re telling it is quite different than many would. Although he doesn’t talk in terms of energy and frequency like I do, what he was essentially saying was I was in a very different frequency than I could have been. By being in the frequency of grace, I actually magnetized similar things around me.
Grace is always there. The question is your availability to it.
One more blessing (or set of blessings) – I ended up with a beautiful vehicle I never would have had otherwise ( a certified pre-owned vehicle) – and it has all sorts of things that will be really helpful to me in a way a 2004 vehicle couldn’t, including all those amazing safety things: the blind spot monitor; adaptive cruise control, that will brake for you if another vehicle gets too close to you (or you to it); beeping or vibrating when you aren’t in the center of the lane (or if you go over the lane line). Not to mention a quiet, comfortable ride and a wonderful stereo.
Where is your energy?
I was talking with my friend, Lisa, today who said, “Where does your energy need to be? — not in worry about the stress of driving, but in being centered and grounded so you can continue to bring healing to others. If you can get any helps in place, do it because this is your call and the world needs you right now. Everything else is a distraction and takes you away from that.”
There is so much truth in that – for you as well as me. There is so much going on right now – every one of us has been affected by the pandemic, by the life changes and lifestyle changes that are continuing. And every one of us is going to continue to be affected as the old structures continue to crumble to make way for the new. This is a time to go inward, regroup, and find help for the things that will help us. It’s a time to find grace even in the tough things if we can.
And it looks like it’s going to get more intense before it gets better. Right now we’re in the midst of a series of astrological peaks that are happening one right after the other — and building on each other! Almost daily there’s something: Mars was closest to the earth in 15 years on the 6th (think heat, anger, discord, but also the opportunity to find your inner hero and develop your inner strength).
Time for going inside
Next, Mercury goes retrograde on the 13th. It’s infamous for loss of communication and technical glitches, but there’s another side – Mercury retrograde also means a time for going inward and doing your internal work. And the other major players in the sky right now also support that internal work, including Pluto’s transformational energy; Mars’ courage-inducing energy; Uranus’ and Eris’ awakening energies.
Three days later, on the 16th, there’s a super new moon — the closest new moon we’ll have to the earth all year. Mars will also still be very close to the earth continuing to heat things up. Pluto will be midway between Jupiter and Saturn, and Jupiter will intensify and expand the issues of power and control (Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn) over against freedom, rebellion, revolt, awakening (Mars, Eris, and Black Moon Lilith in Aries, together with Uranus).
And last of the more noteworthy astrological peaks in October: Mercury and Uranus are squaring off exactly (opposing) on the 19th, but we’re already feeling this energy, which will continue to be strong through the end of the month. Mercury is in Scorpio, and that archetypal energy is about digging deep, unearthing secrets – or anything that has been hidden — and seeking the truth. The Uranian energy is seismic – earthquakes and volcanoes, whether physical or political.
Ride the Waves
With all this intensity, you may have a tendency to go into overwhelm or get caught up in all the drama. However, there is another choice. What’s happening above and below is like a series of waves building and building to a big crescendo.
What we are being called to do is ride the waves! Like a surfer, be aware of all that’s going on, and then surf those waves.
The world needs you right now. Don’t be distracted by the size or frequency of those waves. Don’t give in to fear or panic, or anger or….
As my friend said to me, don’t waste your energy on the drama and reactivity associated with all of these things. Instead, be awake and aware. Get whatever help you need to ride this wave – to help yourself – and the collective – to make the shift into what’s coming instead of resisting what’s already gone. Like my auto accident, this time is a huge opportunity. Don’t let your point of view be hijacked by external appearances. Instead, cultivate joy, love, and gratitude. Do your inner work so you can be the change that the world needs. Do it for yourself. Do it for your loved ones. Do it for the planet.
Let’s enjoy the surf!
P.S. I’m offering an attunement and healing session to help you ride the waves on November 8, 2020. Register here. If you are finding the waves especially challenging, I have a couple of openings in early November. Find more info here. Or book a free call with me to talk about how I can serve you.