Transforming with Pluto: How to Make the Best Use of the U.S.-Pluto Return
Do these sound familiar? Financial volatility, conflict over who gets to have a voice in society, and who gets to have power. These are fundamental themes that led to the founding of the U.S., and also themes that are present now. The U.S.-Pluto return is highlighting those themes, not just for the U.S. itself, but for each of us individually and collectively.
You may have heard about the upcoming U.S.-Pluto Return. You may even be wondering what the big hoopla is around it. And more to the point, you are wondering what it might have to do with you (especially if you do not live in the U.S.).
Regardless of where you live, you’re already experiencing this return in some key ways.
So what’s a Pluto return in the first place, and why do you need to know? And…if you’re not in the U.S., you may also be asking the question about whether it affects you. Spoiler alert: it does!
What is a Pluto Return and why is it important?
Pluto “returns” (comes back to the place where it was at a country’s founding) every 246 years. February 20, 2022 is the exact date of the U.S. Pluto return. This return is highlighting and intensifying themes that are already present for all of us the world over.
If you have been reading my blogs, you have heard me talk about Pluto before, as its archetypal energies of death, transformation, and rebirth have been very strong these past couple years. Pluto takes things down to the bare bones, and rebuilds, but in a better form. The change is permanent.
Pluto transiting (moving through our sky) in Capricorn (the sign it is currently moving in) is about unearthing, revealing, or excavating any corruption that exists in top-down structures. It is also connected with government, finances, big corporations, and/or institutions with a lot of power.
This transit (movement through our sky) of Pluto is working to transform all of these things. While we will see its impact most fully on the U.S. as a country, we are all going to experience its influence. This is partially because Pluto’s influence is very strong for all of us right now. In addition, what happens in the U.S., particularly financially, has reverberations all over the world.
What’s more, both the global and personal impact of this return is going to last a couple years, as Pluto is hovering in the same area until 2023. When Pluto moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius at the end of 2023, we are all going to breathe a collective sigh of relief, as the unraveling and rebirthing of structures will be mostly complete.
What does this mean for you?
So what does the U.S.-Pluto return mean for the U.S. and for you?
My research suggests that this return is going to bring about a spiritual transformation of the U.S. in terms of its values and its economy. It may also bring about a rebirth of its identity. Together with some other astrological influences coming up around this same time, one of my favorite astrologers, Sarah Varcas says about this time, “Our relationship to money, wealth and the inherent value of ‘things’ is about to be changed forever more.”
Transformation and spiritual rebirth sound wonderful, on the one hand. There is so much that needs to be transformed and rebirthed. On the other hand, both transformation and rebirth require death — death of the old, outdated structures and ways of being, as well as death of the things that hold us back from transforming.
When a nation, and we ourselves, are called to let go of the old, it can be scary. The fear mongers are already out in force, and the financial volatility and disruptions of this time are pretty much guaranteed to bring out more. This is the time to lean into the fear, find where it comes from, and move through it.
How to stay centered through it all
Because we have been living in a culture of fear for such a long time, and it is so important move through fear, I have written a lot about it. Here are three articles that talk about how to deal with fear-mongering and your own internal fears. Each one has a simple, easy, quick practice that you can do easily to help you move through fear.
Healthy Fear: How to Acknowledge The Fear Inside and Move Through
Overcoming Fear with Compassion
What To Do When You Find Yourself With Three Challenging Companions On the Personal and Spiritual Journey
Here is a resource to help you stay grounded and heart-centered even in all the swirling is A Heart Practice to Stay Centered in Chaotic Times.
Coming up February 20th – A Pluto Return Attunement
Last, but not least, due to the importance of this U.S.-Pluto return for all of us individually, as well as collectively, I have been guided to offer an attunement and community healing session on the actual date of the U.S.-Pluto return. Not only will you be attuned to the return itself, but to a few other events within about a 10-day period that will be working with similar themes.
As part of the healing portion of the session, I have also been guided to do some healing work with all participants around finances (including working with family, national [whatever your country], and ancestral influences). This work will help you move through these times of uncertainty and upheaval so that you can take advantage of these energies and use them for your own personal and spiritual growth, as well as that of the collective. Here is the link for further information. You can register right from that page.
This is a time to get grounded and connect with the earth. It’s an opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you.
Take this time to come back to basics, practice self-care (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually).
And most of all, we have such a huge opportunity to use these energies for our transformation and the transformation of the planet. My hope is that you will use the opportunity that Pluto is providing to do just that.