Resetting, Recentering, Expansion, and Abundance:
A Huge Energy Shift to Help You
A celebration, attunement and community healing session
May 14, 2023
Are you ready for an energy shift? Would you like to move out of the intensity that we’ve been experiencing?
You’ve been hoping that everything would ease and open up, and instead it seems to have gotten more intense. There’s so much fear and anger, unrest, and conflict. Inflation, war, and volatility everywhere just adds to the discomfort.
If you look on the surface you don’t see any way through. You may find yourself getting caught up in the drama, or find yourself in conflict, fear, and/or anger.
At the same time, you may feel the stirring of hope. You may know in your bones that expansion is coming even if you cannot see it. You may feel your inner creativity welling up.
Would you like to move into more expansion, good fortune, abundance, wealth and growth? If so, you don’t want to miss the upcoming attunement on May 14th!
This celebration, attunement, and community healing session will help you reset, recenter, and reconnect to the things that light you up.
Already know about attunements and ready to register?
Date: May 14, 2023
Time: 8 – 9:30 pm eastern time
We will meet via Zoom.
Once you sign up, even if you cannot be on the call, you will receive the celebration, attunement, and healing session.
The event will be recorded; you will also receive the recording.
Do you resonate with one of these situations?
You may already be feeling the shift. Even though there’s a lot of volatility and intensity, you may be feeling a sense of hopefulness and anticipation of something new. If so:
You’re experiencing the energies Jupiter moving into Taurus coming up on May 16.
Up to this point you may also have been feeling the incredible intensity and reactivity associated with the lunar eclipse that just happened. Eclipse energy works on us for 6 months afterwards. This one in particular carries themes of endings — letting go what no longer serves you — so that you can blossom into the expansion, abundance and growth that Jupiter moving into Taurus offers. I will attune you to both of these events, and more.
This attunement will help you step into expansion and your own inner authority and power. This session will also offer you the opportunity to come back to center, to get grounded in the earth and the earth’s cycles, and to get connected in community. Now is the time to ignite your inner fire so you can step into the wealth, abundance, expansion and growth that Jupiter in Taurus offers.
This Session is for everyone!
I have been guided to offer a series of celebration, attunement, and healing sessions throughout the year to support you in continuing to move forward into the light and expansion that seems to be covered over by present events.
These sessions are for all! Anyone on our planet who is experiencing or has experienced both the contraction and the push toward transformation that we’ve been undergoing will experience the benefits of this session.
We will also gather to celebrate, and you will be attuned to, the second of the cross-quarter light festivals:
The festival known as Beltane in the British Isles. One of the four most important festivals of the Celtic year, Beltane is most known as the festival of fire, love, and passion. It occurs at the height of spring, where everything is bursting into bloom and is vibrant with color.
The word Beltane is sometimes translated “Bright Fire.” In ancient times, villages would light two fire posts and then have all the animals pass in between for blessing and protection.
Beltane marks the beginning of summer. It is, at heart, a celebration of Life. It is also a festival of abundance and plenty.
The fire of Beltane is a wonderful antidote to the intensity and eruptions of our external world. Celebrating this festival will help ground you. It will also encourage you to ignite your inner fire to bring your ideas, hopes, and dreams into action.
There are three components to these sessions.
The first is celebration.
We will celebrate the cross-quarter holidays of light and fire. These holidays are the true beginnings of each season. Celebrating them together – yes, even together online — will give you a sense of grounding and connectedness to each other and the earth.
Gathering together, celebrating with ritual (even as simple as lighting a candle and sharing a blessing), will also re-connect you with the light that is coming through and changing every one of us and our planet. More than that, it will be a time to drink in that light so it can continue to illuminate you and help others to experience the light.
The second is healing.
We will gather for healing – individually and collectively. Each person who is registered will receive the healing session, and we will also do some healing work for the whole planet.
The third component is attunement.
I will attune you to the current astrological energies so that you can move through with grace and ease. I will also attune you to the cross-quarter holidays themselves, so you can connect deeply with the earth and find strength and sustenance from that connection.
These attunements will also help you deal with the ongoing turbulence. Being attuned to these energies will help you deal with the shake-ups. It can also catapult you forward in your own personal and spiritual growth.
Finally, these attunements will re-connect you with the huge shift that began with the Great Conjunction December 2020, and with the light that is bringing awakening, change, and a global shift from power-over to power-with; the light that is literally pouring into our planet and each one of us, changing our very DNA.
What is an attunement or alignment and what is its power?
Attunement means to “bring into harmony.” It helps you to be “in tune” with the energies that are strongly affecting us. Alignment means “the proper positioning or state of adjustment of parts in relation to each other.” When you are aligned with the energies, that puts you in sync with them and gives you a greater ability to incorporate the gifts they bring and to use these energies more effectively.
Being attuned or aligned means that you have nature’s support for these shifts. This session will connect you with the opportunities for growth that these events are bringing.
This session will help you:
Your Guide: Mary Shields, PhD
Since 2003, I have been working with astrological energies as a healing practitioner. About a decade ago, Spirit gave me the gift of attuning and aligning people with these energies in such a way that they can use them for their greatest benefit and healing. I have been working both individually and in groups in this way ever since.
Additionally, I bring a strong background in Celtic spirituality. I lived in Scotland for two years, and also did research on Celtic spirituality as part of my sabbatical. As a minister, I know first-hand the importance of ritual and gathering. I love facilitating both, and have been doing so for several decades.
One of my gifts is creating community, and I now have close to a decade of experience doing it online. For many years, I did these attunements and celebrations via teleconference. Zoom has enhanced our sense of connection and community by adding the ability to see each other as we participate together.
What happens on the call?
This is an energetic and healing session, so the process is not like a workshop or class with exercises. Celebration will begin and end each event. I will begin with opening sacred space. After some information on the cross-quarter festival, I will attune you to the cross-quarter holiday, and I will lead you in a celebration. I will let you know ahead of time what to bring or prepare (for example, I may ask you to have a candle ready to light together).
Next, I will give some information about the astrological event, as well as the challenges and opportunities it brings. We will then dive into the attunement(s) and session, which I will explain as they happen. There will be some short periods of silence. I may ask you to breathe deeply or tap your head, heart, and navel (the three brain centers of the body — to learn more, click here). The last part of the healing session is devoted to the healing of the planet, with all of us participating through holding space. We will end by completing our celebration together.
Generally, you are in a relaxed, receptive state throughout. I do suggest you have a notebook handy for any notes you wish to make. I also suggest that you make sure you are in a private, receptive space.
It is especially powerful if you can be on video for the first part of the call, so we can see and feel each other more directly that way. And not to worry if you can’t be on the call live, or need to be on audio/phone only: if you are registered for the call, you are fully connected into the entire event.
What might you experience during or after the session?
You may or may not feel anything during or after the session. That’s perfectly fine. The energy and healing will still be working in you whether you can feel it or not. Whatever you experience (or don’t experience) is just right for you. You will receive what you need.
You may seem to “fall asleep” during the session. Or, you may fall asleep every time you try to listen to the session for a while. This is also perfectly normal. If this happens, know that you are in a very deep, restful state where Spirit can do the deeper work inside you. Don’t resist it and don’t worry — you haven’t missed a thing! Just follow your body’s needs as you listen, and the session will work in you as it needs to.
After the session, you may feel energized and ready to take on the world, or you may feel, as my client Linda told me, “Like I was hit with a truck.” The session will affect you differently than it will other people. What you feel after one session may be completely different than what you feel after another. The energy and healing will be continuing to work in you for quite some time. Be gentle with yourself, especially the day after. Drink lots of water, rest, and give yourself time to integrate.
What is a cross quarter holiday?
A cross-quarter holiday is mid-way between the solstices and equinoxes. In ancient Celtic tradition, these days were the most important holidays of the year. They were festivals of fire (think dancing around great bonfires) and light. Each celebrated a different phase of light in the year. They also marked the change of seasons.
Why celebrate these cross-quarter holidays?
It is more important than ever to celebrate the cross-quarter holidays. In the past couple years, there have been very few opportunities to celebrate. The eruptions and volatility – anger and fear-mongering and hate – have been strong.
Eruptions, volatility, volcanoes – are all dramatic. The drama of unfolding events in the past month – even three months – has been overwhelming.
We have either been overwhelmed or consumed by the ongoing unraveling of most of what we’ve known. The drama itself has our attention.
In the midst of this it’s been hard to see that it’s not all bad. That even in the midst of very difficult times, there is more going on than meets the eye.
The cross-quarter holidays draw us back to basics.
When we attune to the cycles of the earth, we are no longer swept away by the swirling and eruptions on the surface.
We remember we are part of something much larger and greater.
When we attune to the festivals of light, we bring light back into our lives and the lives of others. We shine the light of truth onto the shenanigans of those acting out more hatred and division.
What others have said about attunements
“Powerful” and “incredible” are the most-used adjectives I hear from those who write to me after an attunement.
Some of the comments I’ve received about the last celebration, attunement and healing session: “Amazing Session!” “Beautiful and powerful session!”
“Thank you for hosting the attunement. Somehow, I felt I needed to join in this. Over the past couple of weeks, I have experienced low back pain, affecting hips and legs, stiffness, and soreness. I felt the relief in the sacrum, which also relieved the hips and legs. It all went away when the bones balancing happened! I have been able to squat, not all the way, but something I have not been able to do for a long time. I’m hoping this lasts so that I can do more on my yoga practice.” A day later, she wrote, “So good to be able to move without the pain and stiffness!”
Vicki W, Michigan
“That session was so powerful. I literally felt the fear lift off me as soon as you mentioned…. I was carrying so much fear. And it just kept getting better from there. I couldn’t move after – had to integrate and just felt so peaceful.”
Angela S, Massachusetts
“Those in my orbit are noticeably more ‘lighter’ and joyous since the session.”
Casper B, British Columbia
“Thank you, Mary. I so enjoyed the session and the background and astrological facts that accompanied it. It was a great evening and loved being connect to 99+ people I’ve never met, but we will be connected now for sure. The healing of the planet was wonderful and so needed.”
Cindy H., North Carolina