BodyTalk Fundamentals Integration

Would you like to:

  • (Re)connect with other BodyTalkers of all experience levels
  • Nurture yourself with three days of healing energy work
  • Enhance your skills for improved client results
  • Receive the latest updates in philosophy and techniques
  • Prepare for the certification exam
  • Shift those stagnant areas and move into a healthier flow in life

Fundamentals Integration focuses on all this and more!

How Do You Go Into Practice?

I really enjoy Mary’s open attitude and joyful presence. I feel more secure in my skills at the end of this course.

Merry S., Lansing, MI


  • Review the more complex techniques with Q & A time
  • Intuition-building exercises
  • Improving comfort with the muscle checking for yes/no

Please bring a list of your questions. Mary will aim to answer every student’s questions over the duration of the class.


  • Learning how to talk about BodyTalk
  • Booking Clients
  • Scheduling the next session
  • Managing the intake process
  • Case management
  • Setting up the session
  • Explaining formulas to clients

Pre-requisites: BodyTalk Fundamentals 1 & 2. 

The knowledge of the instructor matched by ability to transfer information in easy to understand ways & variety of learning methods.

Sue S., Cordova, TN

Next Class: March 8-10, 2019

10:00am to 6:30pm

Location: Columbus, OH

The Holiday Inn Express
5500 Tuttle Crossing Blvd.
Columbus, OH

Phone: 614.793.5500

Ask for Mary Shields Ph.D. Seminars when you call.

Tuition: $700

A non-refundable deposit of $175 must be received to reserve your spot.

Register Here

Your Instructor

Mary Shields, Ph.D. Adv. CBP, Adv. CBI, Parama BP, BAT, RMT
