Name of Seminar: Mending Webs:  An Online Course  

Date:  August, 2020 through March 2021

Instructor:  Mary Shields, PhD

All materials, including recordings are copyrighted by the Instructor.

The students agree that:

  1. If this class is recorded (audio or visual, including stills, pictures, screen captures and videos), the recording will only be used solely for the purpose of individual private study by the student and will not be sold, transferred, re-recorded, published or shared with others.
  2. Recordings shared with students during the seminar will not be used or shared for any other purpose.
  3. Any other media materials (handouts, pdf’s, including stills, pictures, screen captures and videos will only be used solely for the purpose of individual private study by the student and will not be sold, transferred, re-recorded, published or shared with others.
  4. Any such media materials will not be used or shared for any other purpose.
  5. All recordings (audio or visual, including stills, pictures, screen captures and videos) will be destroyed when they are no longer needed for the purpose of private study.
  6. The abuse of this privilege constitutes a violation of policies and will, at a minimum, result in the loss of such privileges in the future with instructor.